Once upon a time the
Ginger Pop Shop was a real shop. It looked up at Corfe
Castle, which may have inspired Kirrin Castle in the
Famous Five books. Although tiny, it stocked the
best range of Enid Blyton books, ingenious toys without
batteries, ginger beer to blow your head off and
memorabilia of the era, which included World War Two.
The shop was also renowned for its splendid selection of Golliwoggs, bespoke badges and tea-towels, which were
sold by the thousand. It closed
when the lease was sold.
In the period the shop was open
(2003-2017) the shop-keeper began to notice
a strange change in society:
here is
our latest badge
An antagonism
towards patriotism
An aversion to exposing
children to risk
An assumption that any
discussion about race
was de facto racist
An odious joy
in trashing Enid Blyton’s reputation
An arrogance that it was ok to
substantially alter Enid Blyton’s text, and
even bring out new titles with her name on the cover,
against her express wishes
An acceptance
that because Golliwoggs were black they
must be bad, so needed banning
A curious observation was that
our biggest spending customers for Golliwoggs had black
skin. However, our most vociferous opponents were white
skinned, many of whom seemed to enjoy virtue-signalling.
This was the insidious advance
of WOKEness, which although for the best of reasons, was
neo-racist, neo-fascist and even neo-religious, all
antagonistic to the values of the wartime generation.
By 2021 this new tyranny
had taken hold in the UK. The shop-keeper joined the
Free Speech Union, deeply concerned that we could lose
the very Right to say "I don't agree with your opinion
because of these facts"
Could The Golliwogg, our
old war-time hero, help in the push-back against this
awful ideology? After all, if it wasn't possible to
restore the Good Name of a rag-doll, what hope for any
hapless human who also found themselves cancelled?
Little did I realise
that person would be Tommy Robinson!
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For our stock list
last updated
January 2025 |